Tureni Cluj county, Romania About location St. Ladislaus Sights Events Gallery Varjúvár Stana, Cluj county, Romania Mikes-kastély Savadisla, Cluj county, Romania Bánffy-kastély Bontida, Cluj county, Romania Alexandru Borza Botanikus Kert Cluj-Napoca, Cluj county, Romania Szabók bástyája Cluj-Napoca, Cluj county, Romania Házsongárdi temető Cluj-Napoca, Cluj county, Romania Tordai sóbánya Turda, Cluj county, Romania Túri-hasadék Tureni, Cluj county, Romania Adrenalin Park Cluj-Napoca, Cluj county, Romania Contact Info Tureni Commune Hall Address: Main Road, no. 243 Phone: +40 264 310 009 Website: www.comunatureni.ro Accomodation Booking Looking for accomodation around Tureni? Click the button below, and you can find a suitable place in just a few minutes.